4 Ways a Commercial Landscaping Company Can Create a More Functional Outdoor Space for Your Morris County, NJ, Business

4 Ways a Commercial Landscaping Company Can Create a More Functional Outdoor Space for Your Morris County, NJ, Business

A Morris County, NJ, commercial landscape can be updated to achieve a key goal that is often important when making changes to residential landscapes: Make more of your outdoor spaces functional. Here are the ways a commercial landscaping company can create a more usable landscape for your business.

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Enhancing the View

Each commercial site is unique. A commercial landscaping company can work closely with you to bring out the best view, depending on the type of people who use these spaces, whether office workers spend time looking out the windows all day or need a place to relax during lunch (or both).

If the exterior of your business property needs to be aesthetically pleasing because this is part of why customers visit your location, there could be pretty planters filled with greenery and flowers, spaces for benches where customers can rest, and wide, accessible walkways. A commercial landscaping company can implement these details for you so that your commercial space is always appealing to the people who support your business.

Other commercial sites need to be very functional for large tractor trailer trucks to enter and back up to a loading dock. Sometimes this can mean adjusting a commercial site to work better.

Your commercial landscape experts may have suggestions for improving how the outside areas of your business operate more efficiently, either as vehicles come and go or tenants use the landscape for breaks and leisurely activities.

Accounting for Drainage

Improper drainage can damage your commercial landscape. Your landscape professionals will account for any drainage issues and minimize future issues as they make any updates to your commercial landscaping, and they may have recommendations for eliminating standing water, runoff, and other issues that could mar the beauty of your outdoor spaces.

Caring for the Turf Care and Plantings

A commercial landscaping company can evaluate the health of your grass to recommend applications to improve its appearance and thickness.

Fertilizing the grass can be an essential step to improving the look and thickness of the lawn. This can be done at pivotal times of the year so that the grass has a chance to flourish. A commercial landscaping company has professional-grade fertilizer and weed prevention to improve the overall health of your grassy spaces.

Cutting the grass requires an expert touch: An experienced commercial landscaping company understands that the mower's blades must be sharpened regularly to cut the grass instead of tearing it. The path of mowing could change with each mowing session to prevent some areas from overgrowing while others stay too short.

Improving the Irrigation System

As a commercial property owner or manager, you have many daily responsibilities, and one of them may involve overseeing expenses. A properly installed irrigation system can ensure that your property is not overusing water when it comes to ensuring the health of your landscaping.

Evaluating irrigation systems is a specialized skill for a commercial landscaping company. These professionals are trained to ensure the irrigation properly waters the landscape so that water waste is not an issue—shady spaces require minimal watering while sunny spots tend to require more attention.

You might already know your commercial landscapers will handle the seasonal planting, mulching, pruning, and trimming to make the entire outdoor space fully functional and lovely.

Related: Commercial Landscaping Ideas That Will Attract New Customers in Morris County, NJ Area

Founded on a passion for nature, BTS Landscaping is committed to building and maintaining high-quality landscapes for discerning clients.

We hire only highly qualified, skilled workers who share our priority for the environment and satisfying customers. We strive to exceed expectations and provide maximum value on every project. Our goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of our clients, our employees, our community and the environment.