Commercial Landscaping Ideas That Will Attract New Customers in Morris County, NJ Area

Commercial Landscaping Ideas That Will Attract New Customers in Morris County, NJ Area

We all know that a great first impression is what stays with new customers for any business, and this applies to a Morris County, NJ, commercial landscape space, too. The following commercial landscaping ideas can help your business attract new customers and keep them coming back.

Related: Important Questions to Ask a Commercial Landscaping Company in Morris County, NJ

Front Entrance Spruce-up

For every commercial space, the front entrance is often the first impression for both potential customers and loyal clients. The entrance can set the tone for the rest of the landscape and show your customers that your business cares about every detail. Because the entrance is probably where most people who visit your commercial location will enter and exit, keeping that area space in top shape can be critical.

When your front entrance needs a spruce-up, let your commercial landscape company recommend a planting refresh for an up-to-date look and pop of color. If your sign is old and faded, or the lights are burned out, they can remove the old sign and install a newly designed designation for the location. 

Ensuring that the entrance to your commercial space is visible from the road can be another issue that they can remedy. This might be as simple as removing overgrown shrubbery, or you could opt for significant landscape improvements. 

Commercial Landscape Upgrades 

A skilled landscape company can also address upgrades that need to happen to the outdoor areas of your property. Over time, site usage can change and a landscape company can come up with some plan ideas that would better reflect actual usage. For instance, drainage can be an issue that you could easily overlook, but improper drainage can weaken the foundation of buildings and ruin landscaping with standing water. Corrected drainage issues can lead to extended property longevity. 

Soil and turf care can go together because when the soil is lacking, the turf reflects the deficiency. Regular fertilization, aeration, and detaching can fix many turf problems. Proper irrigation is often viewed as essential to a successful stand of grass and thriving landscape beds. An irrigation inspection can yield areas where there are water leaks and overwatering. When the problems are correct, more efficient watering can be achieved, with irrigation that better targets the needs of the plants and grass in the sun. 

Comprehensive Year-round Maintenance

Comprehensive year-round maintenance involves lawn care that includes mowing the grass at the optimal height and ensuring proper watering schedules. An often-overlooked detail can be refreshing the mulch on a regular schedule. New mulch can make the entire landscape look new as can seasonal planting.

Having bold flowers and healthy greenery in planters around the site can show your customers that beauty is a priority. This action can improve the image of your business and imply that no detail is too small for attention, translating into the approach you take in your business, too.

A talented landscape company can create and maintain a gorgeous landscape that gives your customers a welcoming outdoor space, even during inclement weather, if you choose to partner with a company that also offers commercial snow and ice management services. 

When image matters as it does in business, having a landscape company that exceeds expectations and delivers a superior aesthetic can be a difference-maker.

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Founded on a passion for nature, BTS Landscaping is committed to building and maintaining high-quality landscapes for discerning clients.

We hire only highly qualified, skilled workers who share our priority for the environment and satisfying customers. We strive to exceed expectations and provide maximum value on every project. Our goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of our clients, our employees, our community and the environment.