Landscaping Ideas: Special Seasonal Touches You Can Add to Your Landscape in Mendham and Harding Township, NJ

Landscaping Ideas: Special Seasonal Touches You Can Add to Your Landscape in Mendham and Harding Township, NJ

When you want your landscape to look special in any season, look to these ideas for your Landscaping Mendham and Harding Township, NJ, property. These seasonal touches can add so much beauty and interest to your landscaping throughout the year.

Spring Landscaping Updates

Springtime is all about flowers and vibrant, green leaves. The landscape is greening up after the dormant winter, and everything is starting to come alive once more. When your landscapers add in some ornamental trees that have special characteristics such as a unique leaf shape or an eye-catching flower, this can draw the attention to your yard.

Of course, spring is when the most bulbs bloom, so having those in your landscape is often viewed as a must. Your landscapers will plant those in the middle of fall, and you’ll see the results in the spring, right when you will be ready for some dazzling color after a long winter.

Summer Landscaping Updates

Summer is full of hot days, and this can mean adding petunias that multiply and bloom in brilliant colors. When your landscapers bunch the same color flowers together, this effect can pack a punch in the landscape’s appearance.

To make the most of summer, you could work with your landscapers on requesting staggered blooming so that everything does not bloom in June, leaving August with nothing spectacular to display. Window boxes are a summer staple and offer a mixture of wispy flowers, bold colors, and deep greenery. Brightly colored containers and oversize pots are another way to keep your landscape appealing in the summer.

Fall Landscaping Updates

Fall might be the most anticipated season with the red, gold, and orange leaves on the trees setting the tone for orange pumpkins, corn stalks, and purple ornamental grass. Your landscapers can add ornamental cabbage for green and purple curly leaves and pansies in multi-color glory.

Fall is an excellent time to have trees planted so that the next fall you can have brilliant red maple leaves and other varieties that put on a fall display. Fall is the tree planting season and also the time to revamp your landscape if you want something different since they have time to grow strong roots before the dormant winter season.

Winter Landscaping Updates

While you might think the winter landscape is dull, talented landscape professionals have ways to bring color and interest to the otherwise barren space. Trees with interesting bark such as Swamp White Oak, American Sycamore, and Japanese Maple offer different hues, and unusual shapes to bring interest and color to the winter landscape. Other trees have berries in red, or burgundy and evergreen shrubs also offer various tones of green and blue.

Your landscapers can add pops of color with decorative berries and evergreen branches around Christmas. Additional outdoor lights around your landscape is another amazing way to give it life and increase safety when you have visitors navigating toward your front door for the holidays.

Special seasonal touches can make your landscape appealing all year long. While winter can tend to be the toughest season to make beautiful, that is when you can plan a fresh landscape palette for the spring.

Related: Start Planning Your Landscape Design for the Spring in Harding Township, NJ

Founded on a passion for nature, BTS Landscaping is committed to building and maintaining high-quality landscapes for discerning clients.

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